How to Enjoy the Holiday Season not be Overwhelmed by it

Rooflines are lit, trees are fluffed and adorned and gift buying has begun! Whether you’ve already decorated for Christmas, or are holding out until after Thanksgiving (like me!) the holiday season and spirit is here. 

Have you ever come to December 26th exhausted and frazzled, only able to remember how busy and crazy the last few weeks had been? Me too. Feasting and celebrating are good rhythms, designed by God for us to enjoy. Yet so often I’m overwhelmed by it all I don’t enjoy the abundance it has to offer. How can we do things differently this year? 

I’m not a preparer, it’s a muscle I have to work diligently to strengthen. I’m a fly by the seat of my pants kind of girl. But that often leaves me waiting until the last minute and frazzled. Over the years, I’ve learned to enjoy this time of year and not be overwhelmed by it, I need to prepare, not just the food and gifts but my heart. 

As we begin to gather, cook, feast and celebrate let's pause and prepare our hearts and minds for this season. We only get these moments once, pausing to prepare allows us to be fully present and enjoy every moment. Peace and joy don’t come in the absence of chaos, they come in the midst. Jesus’ birth was in the middle of a census that caused travel and hotels to be sold out. His presence invaded chaos bringing peace and joy. 

Here are a few ways we can posture our heart towards being fully present this holiday season.

  1. Plan for Sick Days: They will happen during this season. Here are some great ideas of how we can prepare for them so we aren’t overwhelmed by them.

  2. Set our hearts and minds: Download this guide to clear the clutter in your heart and mind and keep your focus on Christ.

  3. Less is more: Simplify. Cross things off your list that can wait, don’t attend every party. Give yourself margin so savor the season.

Karen Isbell